

Chuck Norris runs until the treadmill gets tired.

This fact is fairly easy to analyze. Chuck Norris's endurance (and likely speed) would far outweigh the capabilities of the machine. One of the many moving parts would fail due to imperfections. It is inevitable. As we know, Chuck Norris and all the moving parts within him have zero imperfections. They can run with perfect efficiency for all of the foreseeable future.

Final thoughts: Absolute mathematical perfection on a realistic scale in nature is not something thought to be a possibility. Fractals come close, but are only accurate to a certain degree. It is explained to us that Chuck Norris is perfect. Could this imply that Chuck Norris is not born from nature? Is there a possibility Chuck Norris was created by another intelligence? If so, is that being more powerful than Chuck Norris himself?

We'll talk more about this issue on Tuesday. Tell me what you think.


  1. chuck norris coudl out run the tredn mill it doens tod light speed chuck does lol

  2. that sure is an interesting question since it definitely defies the nature of nature to give birth to PERFECT BEINGS such as chuck ;)

  3. Maybe another being ascended into Chuck Norris, similar to Stargate.

  4. No! Chuck Norris spits in the face of the creator. His SPIT spits in the creator's face.

    Also, eventually a treadmill would wear down, it's parts a crumbly shamble.

  5. Final thoughts, Chuck Norris is a god among men.

  6. LOL, what happens if he goes for a job outside? 0.o

  7. hahaha that's for sure. Chuck Norris is a beast!

  8. thanks for your insight on my blog... people are trying to be scandalous against Taylor :(

  9. ahaha, i love these origional chuck norris jokes ;]

  10. i want to have this Norrisesque endurance!

  11. I bet he is made of crystals. They are pretty good.
